Asbury, New Jersey
Endorsed by ACFHP in 2025
The Atlantic Coastal Fish Habitat Partnership (ACFHP) works to address the numerous threats impacting Atlantic coastal fish habitats and applauds the implementation of tools, techniques, and approaches to address these habitat threats. As such, the Partnership has offered its strong endorsement of the “Restoring the Musconetcong River through Dam Removal” project, led by the Musconetcong Watershed Association and American Rivers. This critical initiative represents a significant step forward in enhancing migratory fish passage, improving climate resilience, and restoring ecological function in one of New Jersey’s most important waterways.
The project entails removing the Warren Mill Dam, a 330-foot-wide by 38-foot-tall structure ranked in the top 4% of dams in the Northeast for its potential to benefit migratory fish passage. As the farthest downstream barrier on the Musconetcong River, its removal, along with the ongoing removal of the Bloomsbury Dam, will reconnect 13.4 miles of river habitat to the Delaware River, restoring access for anadromous fish such as American shad. The project also includes sediment removal and floodplain restoration to mitigate erosion, reduce sedimentation, and improve water quality. Additionally, the restoration will enhance climate resilience by reducing flood risks and eliminating the potential for dam failure during extreme storm events. ACFHP fully supports this initiative for its vital role in restoring fish habitats, improving ecological connectivity, and bolstering the region’s resilience to climate impacts.
ACFHP is made up of resource managers, scientists, and conservationists from 39 different state, federal, tribal, and non-governmental entities working together to conserve habitat for Atlantic coastal, estuarine-dependent, and diadromous fishes. The Partnership proudly commends these efforts in restoring and protecting New Jersey’s fish habitats.
Do you have a project that can use a boost? ACFHP accepts applications for project endorsement year-round and are proud to say that more than 90% of the projects the Partnership endorses end up funded. For more information visit: Project Endorsement – Atlantic Coastal Fish Habitat Partnership