Warren and Sussex Counties, New Jersey
This project was funded in FY2020 through National Fish Habitat Action Plan funding.
The Nature Conservancy and partners are working with a private landowner to remove the County Line Dam in order to restore and reconnect habitat for migratory species including American shad, American eel, and native sea lamprey. The dam is located approximately 15 miles from the Delaware River, and is the second obstruction to fish migration on the Paulins Kill. The first obstruction, Paulina Dam, is five miles below the County Line Dam, and removal design and permitting is currently underway. Together with the Columbia Dam removal, which ACFHP helped to fund in FY2018, these removals will open a total of 45 miles of mainstem river and tributaries. The County Line Dam removal on its own will open 3.5 miles of river.
Text and photos provided by The Nature Conservancy New Jersey.