Culvert Replacement on Long Branch Creek, South Carolina

Charleston, South Carolina

Endorsed by ACFHP in FY2013.

Led by the City of Charleston, this project replaced undersized pipes on Longbranch Creek, under the West Ashley Greenway, with wider box culverts. It also stabilized causeway shorelines immediately adjacent to the project, and enhanced upstream shorelines with tidal vegetation. The project increased tidal flow to approximately half of the overall Creek area. The wider culverts allow for improved fish passage through reduced velocity and scouring activity. These improvements will benefit surrounding marsh and oyster reefs, while encouraging the establishment of new habitat for a variety of fish species. Use of box culverts at the Greenway instead of multiple pipes also provides a limited recreational benefit for small watercraft by allowing tidally-influenced access to the Creek beyond the Greenway.


Photo and text provided by the City of Charleston Parks Department.