Ecological Restoration of 39 Salt Marsh Acres at Great Meadows Marsh, Stewart B. McKinney NWR

Stratford, Connecticut

This project was funded in FY2021 through the National Fish Habitat Action Plan

This project, led by Audubon Connecticut, will restore 39 acres of coastal salt marsh and other intertidal habitats at Great Meadows Marsh, one of Connecticut’s largest salt marshes. Impacted by land use changes and development, invasive plant species, and sea level rise, the project restores ecological functions, increases faunal species abundance/diversity, and improves marsh resilience. Restoration activities, with technical input from NOAA, USFWS, and Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, will increase salt marsh habitat including regularly flooded salt marsh, intertidal creeks, and flats providing cover, foraging, and spawning habitats for estuarine fish and macroinvertebrates such as Atlantic silverside, winter flounder, horseshoe crab, and other priority ACFHP species.


Text and photos provided by Audubon Connecticut.